Whether you are considering investing in real estate and looking for an advocate to help analyze and negotiate a target property, OR if you are looking for a capital partner to joint venture a property you intend to occupy, we can assist with both!
In the healthcare industry we have a seasoned resource list of capital partners that are willing to joint venture on your project! Our vetted investor database ranges from physician-backed capital funds, REIT’s, Private Equity, Family Office, 1031, & Private Capital.
Once we know what type of project or deal you are considering, we can run an analysis on what type of partner would consider the deal and their typical structure to run an evaluation.
Financial models and understanding returns to the parties involved are essential to making sound decisions. There are so many scenarios in this category of real estate that it would take an extensive amount of verbiage to cover all the variables.
To make it simple for the reader we thought it would be beneficial to share a real-life financial model.